Interface SessionController<S extends Session>

Type Parameters:
S - The type of the Session for this to handle.
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SessionController<S extends Session>
An abstract controller for Sessions, Implementations should be able to create their respectively controlled implementations using an instance of SessionData and maintain the created instances for the entire lifetime of the session.
John Grosh ([email protected]), Kaidan Gustave
  • Method Details

    • getSession

      S getSession(String identifier)
      Gets a Session that was previously created using the provided identifier.

      It is very important for implementations of SessionController to hold a contract that Sessions created using createSession(SessionData) will be maintained and retrievable by external sources at any time.

      Note that Sessions that have elapsed their effective expiration are not necessary to maintain, unless they have been refreshed in which case they should be updated to reflect this.

      identifier - The identifier to get a Session by.
      The Session mapped to the identifier provided.
    • createSession

      S createSession(SessionData data)
      Creates a new Session using the specified SessionData.

      Sessions should be kept mapped outside of just creation so that they can be retrieved using getSession(String) later for further manipulation, as well as to keep updated if they are refreshed.

      data - The data to create a Session using.
      A new Session.