Items in this package pertain to the CommandClient and Commands.
Common package for all package for all utilities, used both internally and available for developer usage outside of the extension library.
Items in this package pertain to the DocGenerator.
Menus package.
Contains the Menu class and all standard implementations of it: ButtonMenu
A menu where users select a choice via "reaction-buttons". OrderedMenu
A menu with 1 - 10 ordered items, each with their own reaction to choose them with. Paginator
A menu that paginates a number of items across a number of pages and uses reactions to traverse between them. SelectionDialog
A menu that orders choices and uses a indicator and reactions to choose one of the choices. Slideshow
A menu similar to the Paginator that displays a picture on each page. All menus also come with an implementation of a Menu.Builder as a static inner class of the corresponding Menu implementation, which are the main entryway to create said implementations for usage.