Package com.jagrosh.jdautilities.command

package com.jagrosh.jdautilities.command
Items in this package pertain to the CommandClient and Commands.

All of the contents are used heavily in the CommandClientImpl, and are summarized as follows:

  • AnnotatedModuleCompiler
    An interface to create Commands from annotated objects (More info on annotated commands can be found in the JDACommand documentation).
  • CommandBuilder
    An chain builder for Commands.
  • Command
    An abstract class that can be inherited by classes to create Commands compatible with the CommandClientImpl.
  • CommandClient
    An interface used for getting info set when building a CommandClientImpl.
  • CommandClientBuilder
    A builder system used to create a CommandClientImpl across several optional chained methods.
  • CommandEvent
    A wrapper for a MessageReceivedEvent, CommandClient, and String arguments. The main basis for carrying information to be used in Commands.
  • CommandListener
    An interface to be provided to a CommandClientImpl that can provide Command operations depending on the outcome of the call.
  • GuildSettingsManager
    An abstract object used to store and handle GuildSettingsProvider implementations.
  • GuildSettingsProvider
    An implementable interface used to supply default methods for handling guild specific settings via a GuildSettingsManager.