Class SlashCommandEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.ISnowflake,, net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.callbacks.IDeferrableCallback, net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.callbacks.IModalCallback, net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.callbacks.IReplyCallback, net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.CommandInteraction, net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.CommandInteractionPayload, net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.SlashCommandInteraction, net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.Interaction

public class SlashCommandEvent extends
A wrapper class for a SlashCommandInteractionEvent and CommandClient.

From here, developers can invoke several useful and specialized methods to assist in Command function and development. Because this extends SlashCommandInteractionEvent, all methods from it work fine.

Olivia (Chew)
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class

    api, rawData, responseNumber
  • Constructor Summary

    SlashCommandEvent( event, CommandClient client)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The CommandClient that this event was triggered from.
    Gets the TextChannel that this CommandEvent may have taken place on, or null if it didn't happen on a TextChannel.
    Will return if the provided key resolves into a provided Option for the SlashCommand.
    isFromType( channelType)
    Compares a provided ChannelType with the one this event occurred on, returning true if they are the same ChannelType.
    Gets the provided Option Key as an Attachment value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    optAttachment(String key, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Message.Attachment defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as an Attachment value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    Gets the provided Option Key as a boolean value, or returns false if the option cannot be found.
    optBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a boolean value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    Gets the provided Option Key as a double value, or returns 0.0 if the option cannot be found.
    optDouble(String key, double defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a double value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    Gets the provided Option Key as a GuildChannel value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    optGuildChannel(String key, defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a GuildChannel value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    Gets the provided Option Key as a long value, or returns 0 if the option cannot be found.
    optLong(String key, long defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a long value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    Gets the provided Option Key as a Member value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    optMember(String key, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Member defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a Member value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    Gets the provided Option Key as a IMentionable value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    optMentionable(String key, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.IMentionable defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a IMentionable value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    Gets the provided Option Key as a MessageChannel value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    optMessageChannel(String key, defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a MessageChannel value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    Gets the provided Option Key as a Role value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    optRole(String key, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Role defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a Role value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    Gets the provided Option Key as a String value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    optString(String key, String defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a String value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    Gets the provided Option Key as a User value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    optUser(String key, net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.User defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a User value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.

    Methods inherited from class

    getChannel, getInteraction

    Methods inherited from class

    deferReply, getCommandIdLong, getCommandType, getHook, getName, getOptions, getSubcommandGroup, getSubcommandName, isGuildCommand, replyModal

    Methods inherited from class

    getGuild, getGuildLocale, getIdLong, getMember, getToken, getTypeRaw, getUser, getUserLocale, isAcknowledged

    Methods inherited from class

    getJDA, getRawData, getResponseNumber, toString

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.CommandInteractionPayload

    getCommandId, getCommandIdLong, getCommandString, getCommandType, getFullCommandName, getName, getOption, getOption, getOption, getOption, getOptions, getOptionsByName, getOptionsByType, getSubcommandGroup, getSubcommandName, isGlobalCommand, isGuildCommand

    Methods inherited from interface net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.callbacks.IDeferrableCallback


    Methods inherited from interface net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.callbacks.IModalCallback


    Methods inherited from interface net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.Interaction

    getChannelType, getGuild, getGuildLocale, getJDA, getMember, getMessageChannel, getToken, getType, getTypeRaw, getUser, getUserLocale, isAcknowledged, isFromGuild

    Methods inherited from interface net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.callbacks.IReplyCallback

    deferReply, deferReply, reply, reply, replyComponents, replyComponents, replyEmbeds, replyEmbeds, replyFiles, replyFiles, replyFormat

    Methods inherited from interface net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.ISnowflake

    getId, getIdLong, getTimeCreated

    Methods inherited from interface net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.SlashCommandInteraction

  • Constructor Details

    • SlashCommandEvent

      public SlashCommandEvent( event, CommandClient client)
  • Method Details

    • getClient

      public CommandClient getClient()
      The CommandClient that this event was triggered from.
      The CommandClient that this event was triggered from
    • optString

      @Nullable public String optString(@NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a String value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or null if the option is not present
    • optString

      @Nullable @Contract("_, !null -> !null") public String optString(@NotNull String key, @Nullable String defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a String value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optBoolean

      public boolean optBoolean(@NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a boolean value, or returns false if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or false if the option is not present
    • optBoolean

      public boolean optBoolean(@NotNull String key, boolean defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a boolean value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - The fallback option in case of the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optLong

      public long optLong(@NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a long value, or returns 0 if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or 0 if the option is not present
    • optLong

      public long optLong(@NotNull String key, long defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a long value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - The fallback option in case of the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optDouble

      public double optDouble(@NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a double value, or returns 0.0 if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or 0.0 if the option is not present
    • optDouble

      public double optDouble(@NotNull String key, double defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a double value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - The fallback option in case of the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optGuildChannel

      @Nullable public optGuildChannel(@NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a GuildChannel value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      This will always return null when the SlashCommandEvent was not executed in a Guild.
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or null if the option is not present
    • optGuildChannel

      @Nullable @Contract("_, !null -> !null") public optGuildChannel(@NotNull String key, @Nullable defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a GuildChannel value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      This will always return the default value when the SlashCommandEvent was not executed in a Guild.
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optMember

      @Nullable public net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Member optMember(@NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a Member value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      This will always return null when the SlashCommandEvent was not executed in a Guild.
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or null if the option is not present
    • optMember

      @Nullable @Contract("_, !null -> !null") public net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Member optMember(@NotNull String key, @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Member defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a Member value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      This will always return the default value when the SlashCommandEvent was not executed in a Guild.
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optMentionable

      @Nullable public net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.IMentionable optMentionable(@NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a IMentionable value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or null if the option is not present
    • optMentionable

      @Nullable @Contract("_, !null -> !null") public net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.IMentionable optMentionable(@NotNull String key, @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.IMentionable defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a IMentionable value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optRole

      @Nullable public net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Role optRole(@NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a Role value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      This will always return null when the SlashCommandEvent was not executed in a Guild.
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or null if the option is not present
    • optRole

      @Nullable @Contract("_, !null -> !null") public net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Role optRole(@NotNull String key, @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Role defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a Role value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      This will always return the default value when the SlashCommandEvent was not executed in a Guild.
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optUser

      @Nullable public net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.User optUser(@NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a User value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or null if the option is not present
    • optUser

      @Nullable @Contract("_, !null -> !null") public net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.User optUser(@NotNull String key, @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.User defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a User value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optMessageChannel

      @Nullable public optMessageChannel(@NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a MessageChannel value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or null if the option is not present
    • optMessageChannel

      @Nullable @Contract("_, !null -> !null") public optMessageChannel(@NotNull String key, @Nullable defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a MessageChannel value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optAttachment

      @Nullable public net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Message.Attachment optAttachment(@NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as an Attachment value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optAttachment

      @Nullable @Contract("_, !null -> !null") public net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Message.Attachment optAttachment(@NotNull String key, @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Message.Attachment defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as an Attachment value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • hasOption

      public boolean hasOption(@NotNull String key)
      Will return if the provided key resolves into a provided Option for the SlashCommand.
      key - the option we want
      true if the option exists, false otherwise
    • isFromType

      public boolean isFromType( channelType)
      Compares a provided ChannelType with the one this event occurred on, returning true if they are the same ChannelType.
      channelType - The ChannelType to compare
      true if the CommandEvent originated from a MessageChannel of the provided ChannelType, otherwise false.
    • getTextChannel

      public getTextChannel()
      Gets the TextChannel that this CommandEvent may have taken place on, or null if it didn't happen on a TextChannel.
      The TextChannel this CommandEvent may have taken place on, or null if it did not happen on a TextChannel.