All Classes and Interfaces

A "compiler" for Objects that uses Annotations as helpers for creating Commands.
Default implementation for AnnotatedModuleCompiler.
Annotation to mark a command's specific author.
A Menu implementation that creates a organized display of emotes/emojis as buttons paired with options, and below the menu reactions corresponding to each button.
Commands In JDA-Utilities
To be used in Commands as a means of organizing commands into "Categories" as well as terminate command usage when the calling CommandEvent doesn't meet certain requirements.
A series of Enums used for defining the scope size for a Command's cooldown.
A chain-setter based builder for Commands.
A Bot Client interface implemented on objects used to hold bot data.
A simple builder used to create a CommandClientImpl.
An implementation of CommandClient to be used by a bot.
A wrapper class for a MessageReceivedEvent, CommandClient, and String user arguments compatible with all Commands.
A CommandDoc Annotation that contains basic information on command usage, declaration, and requirements.
The DocConverter for the @CommandInfo annotation.
An implementable "Listener" that can be added to a CommandClient and used to handle events relating to Commands.
Specifies an Annotation can be converted using the specified DocConverter value.
The default SessionController implementation.
The default StateController implementation.
Converts an annotation of the specified type T into a String to be collected with other conversions into a single String documenting a class or method representing a command for a bot.
An instance based documentation engine for bot commands written in JDA.
A helper Annotation, useful for formatting multiple occurrences of the same CommandDoc annotation.
A Menu implementation, nearly identical to Paginator, that displays an individual MessageEmbed on each page instead of a list of text items.
A CommandDoc Annotation that describes a possible error or termination clause a Command might have during it's runtime.
The DocConverter for the @Error annotation.
The @Repeatable value for @Error.
The EventWaiter is capable of handling specialized forms of Event that must meet criteria not normally specifiable without implementation of an EventListener.
A series of query based utilities for finding entities, either globally across all accessible Guilds, or locally to a specified Guild.
A simple first-in-first-out key-value storage that uses a HashMap to store keys and values while simultaneously registering the keys to an array to maintain a specified maximum capacity.
An implementable frame for classes that handle Guild-Specific settings.
A basic frame that is optionally implementable by objects returned from GuildSettingsManager#getSettings(Guild).
Exception raised when the provided OAuth2 state is not valid.
An Annotation applicable to Methods that will act as Commands when added to a Client using CommandClientBuilder#addAnnotatedModule() serving as metadata "constructors" for what would be a class extending Command of the same functionality and settings.
A helper annotation to assist in location of Category instance.
A value wrapper for what would be Command#cooldown and Command#cooldownScope.
A helper annotation to assist in location of methods that will generate into Commands.
Information regarding the library.
A frame for wrapping an EventWaiter into a "action, reaction" menu that waits on forms of user input such as reactions, or key-phrases.
Menu.Builder<T extends Menu.Builder<T,V>,V extends Menu>
An extendable frame for a chain-method builder that constructs a specified type of Menu.
Exception raised whenever attempting to perform an action or function with a missing Scope.
An adaptable lookalike of JDA's RestAction.
The central controller for OAuth2 state and session management using the Discord API.
Builder for creating OAuth2Client instances.
OAuth2 representation of a Discord Server/Guild.
Simple formattable constants for various URLs used in the JDA-Utilities OAuth2.
OAuth2 representation of a Discord User.
Utility class containing useful methods for getting values of Slash command arguments.
A Menu of ordered buttons signified by numbers or letters, each with a reaction linked to it for users to click.
A Menu implementation that paginates a set of one or more text items across one or more pages.
A CommandDoc Annotation that lists required Permissions a bot must have to use a command on a Guild.
The DocConverter for the @RequiredPermissions annotation.
A Utilities class for safely checking and converting String IDs to longs usable with MiscUtil.parseSnowflake(String), a utility used in several Object#getXById(String) methods.
Constants used to specify the scope of OAuth2 sessions.
A Menu implementation that creates a listed display of text choices horizontally that users can scroll through using reactions and make selections.
Implementable data type used to allow access to data regarding OAuth2 sessions.
An abstract controller for Sessions, Implementations should be able to create their respectively controlled implementations using an instance of SessionData and maintain the created instances for the entire lifetime of the session.
Contains various data necessary for creating a Session using a SessionController.
Slash Commands In JDA-Chewtils
A Menu implementation, nearly identical to Paginator, that displays an individual image on each page instead of a list of text items.
Implementable state controller, used for registering states and generating redirect URIs using them.
A utility class that can be used to easily create String tables in Java without any extra frameworks.
An enum that represents the alignments possible to set
A data class whose instances store the characters needed to create a table with the enclosing TableBuilder.