Class OptionHelper


public final class OptionHelper extends Object
Utility class containing useful methods for getting values of Slash command arguments.


 public class MyCommand extends SlashCommand {
     public MyCommand() { = "example"; = "Example command";

         this.options = Arrays.asList(
             new OptionData(OptionType.STRING, "string", "A String option").setRequired(true),
             new OptionData(OptionType.USER, "user", "A optional User")

     protected void execute(SlashCommandEvent event) {
         // get "string" option as String. Defaults to null if not found
         String arg1 = OptionHelper.optString(event, "string");
         // Get the provided user, or use the executor if they did not provide one
         User optionalUser = OptionHelper.optUser(event, "user", event.getUser());
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static boolean
    hasOption(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key)
    Will return if the provided key resolves into a provided Option for the SlashCommand.
    static boolean
    optBoolean(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a boolean value, or returns false if the option cannot be found.
    static boolean
    optBoolean(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key, boolean defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a boolean value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    static double
    optDouble(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a double value, or returns 0.0 if the option cannot be found.
    static double
    optDouble(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key, double defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a double value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.GuildChannel
    optGuildChannel(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a GuildChannel value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.GuildChannel
    optGuildChannel(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key, @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.GuildChannel defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a GuildChannel value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    static long
    optLong(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a long value, or returns 0 if the option cannot be found.
    static long
    optLong(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key, long defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a long value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Member
    optMember(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a Member value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Member
    optMember(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key, @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Member defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a Member value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.IMentionable
    optMentionable(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a IMentionable value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.IMentionable
    optMentionable(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key, @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.IMentionable defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a IMentionable value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageChannel
    optMessageChannel(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a MessageChannel value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageChannel
    optMessageChannel(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key, @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageChannel defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a MessageChannel value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Role
    optRole(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a Role value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Role
    optRole(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key, @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Role defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a Role value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    static @Nullable String
    optString(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a String value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    static @Nullable String
    optString(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key, @Nullable String defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a String value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
    static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.User
    optUser(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a User value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
    static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.User
    optUser(@NotNull event, @NotNull String key, @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.User defaultValue)
    Gets the provided Option Key as a User value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • optString

      @Nullable public static @Nullable String optString(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a String value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or null if the option is not present
    • optString

      @Nullable @Contract("_, _, !null -> !null") public static @Nullable String optString(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key, @Nullable @Nullable String defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a String value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optBoolean

      public static boolean optBoolean(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a boolean value, or returns false if the option cannot be found.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or false if the option is not present
    • optBoolean

      public static boolean optBoolean(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key, boolean defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a boolean value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - The fallback option in case of the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optLong

      public static long optLong(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a long value, or returns 0 if the option cannot be found.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or 0 if the option is not present
    • optLong

      public static long optLong(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key, long defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a long value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - The fallback option in case of the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optDouble

      public static double optDouble(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a double value, or returns 0.0 if the option cannot be found.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or 0.0 if the option is not present
    • optDouble

      public static double optDouble(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key, double defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a double value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - The fallback option in case of the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optGuildChannel

      @Nullable public static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.GuildChannel optGuildChannel(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a GuildChannel value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      This will always return null when the SlashCommandEvent was not executed in a Guild.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or null if the option is not present
    • optGuildChannel

      @Nullable @Contract("_, _, !null -> !null") public static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.GuildChannel optGuildChannel(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key, @Nullable @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.GuildChannel defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a GuildChannel value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      This will always return the default value when the SlashCommandEvent was not executed in a Guild.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optMember

      @Nullable public static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Member optMember(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a Member value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      This will always return null when the SlashCommandEvent was not executed in a Guild.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or null if the option is not present
    • optMember

      @Nullable @Contract("_, _, !null -> !null") public static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Member optMember(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key, @Nullable @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Member defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a Member value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      This will always return the default value when the SlashCommandEvent was not executed in a Guild.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optMentionable

      @Nullable public static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.IMentionable optMentionable(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a IMentionable value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or null if the option is not present
    • optMentionable

      @Nullable @Contract("_, _, !null -> !null") public static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.IMentionable optMentionable(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key, @Nullable @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.IMentionable defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a IMentionable value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optRole

      @Nullable public static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Role optRole(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a Role value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      This will always return null when the SlashCommandEvent was not executed in a Guild.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or null if the option is not present
    • optRole

      @Nullable @Contract("_, _, !null -> !null") public static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Role optRole(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key, @Nullable @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Role defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a Role value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      This will always return the default value when the SlashCommandEvent was not executed in a Guild.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optUser

      @Nullable public static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.User optUser(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a User value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or null if the option is not present
    • optUser

      @Nullable @Contract("_, _, !null -> !null") public static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.User optUser(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key, @Nullable @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.User defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a User value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • optMessageChannel

      @Nullable public static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageChannel optMessageChannel(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a MessageChannel value, or returns null if the option cannot be found.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      The provided option, or null if the option is not present
    • optMessageChannel

      @Nullable @Contract("_, _, !null -> !null") public static @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageChannel optMessageChannel(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key, @Nullable @Nullable net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageChannel defaultValue)
      Gets the provided Option Key as a MessageChannel value, or returns the default one if the option cannot be found.
      event - The slash command event to get options from
      key - The option we want
      defaultValue - Nullable default value used in the absence of the option value
      The provided option, or the default value if the option is not present
    • hasOption

      public static boolean hasOption(@NotNull @NotNull event, @NotNull @NotNull String key)
      Will return if the provided key resolves into a provided Option for the SlashCommand.
      event - the slash command event to get options from
      key - the option we want
      true if the option exists, false otherwise