Package com.jagrosh.jdautilities.commons.utils

package com.jagrosh.jdautilities.commons.utils
  • Class
    A series of query based utilities for finding entities, either globally across all accessible Guilds, or locally to a specified Guild.
    A simple first-in-first-out key-value storage that uses a HashMap to store keys and values while simultaneously registering the keys to an array to maintain a specified maximum capacity.
    A Utilities class for safely checking and converting String IDs to longs usable with MiscUtil.parseSnowflake(String), a utility used in several Object#getXById(String) methods.
    A utility class that can be used to easily create String tables in Java without any extra frameworks.
    An enum that represents the alignments possible to set
    A data class whose instances store the characters needed to create a table with the enclosing TableBuilder.